STUMBLOX STRANGER THINGS. A new car farm for this game that will pass all the obstacles for you
if game.PlaceId == 9492038800 then local Library = loadstring(Game:HttpGet(""))() local NKHUBTAB = Library:NewWindow("") local NKHUBSECTION = NKHUBTAB:NewSection("idk") NKHUBSECTION:CreateButton("1?°: Create AFKBase", function() local baseplate ="Part") baseplate.Parent = workspace baseplate.Size =,2,20) baseplate.Anchored = true baseplate.Name = "baseplate23232" baseplate.Position = 409, 17, 117 +,-7,0) print("OK NEWBA") end) NKHUBSECTION:CreateToggle("Auto Farm", function(value) _G.Value = value while _G.Value do wait(0.5) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 3.9999992847442627, 7.654307410120964e-09) end end) else game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Wrong Game Idiot...") end
Try to find another one or change filters or page.